case study

Flight Club - Localised awareness building in the US

Flight Club is the home of Social Darts®, where you can play innovative dart games and enjoy tasty food and craft cocktails delivered to your booth. Situated in Atlanta, Houston, Denver, Vegas, Boston and Chicago, Flight Club was down in revenue across all venues and required a push on digital to boost awareness and bookings.
flight club
Localised awareness building in the US
Cost per ThruPlay
CPA reduction
Flight Club
Paid Search
Paid Social
Content Creation
Putting in place our paid social strategy, we used reach campaigns at top of funnel to increase low cost eyes on the brand in each geo-location and implemented conversion campaigns using a custom conversion event to drive bookings at middle and bottom of funnel through booking look-a-like and retargeting audiences.
High performing hospitality marketing approach
Gathering Insights and Channel Audit
To improve tracking capabilities
Producing New Creative Content
Highlighting the unique experiences in hospitality
Optimising Audience Targeting
Optimising and improving marketing performance
Performance Tracking
Tracking the record breaking number of bookings
Our Solution
Testing a mixture of video, GIF, static and carousel ad variants, combined with localised messaging for each venue to showcase the full venue experience, we identified the sweet spot in terms of content and messaging per campaign objective.
Supporting the paid social campaign, we identified opportunities on TikTok to use existing video posts from creators on TikTok to use as Spark ads, helping to drive more eyes on the brand with super low CPC and CPM values.
Taking a localised approach to each venue on Paid Search, we conducted keyword research for competitor activity in each city to expand our search volume and drive the best impression share.
flight clubflight club